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Disable every Security setting on PDF!
Delete individual Pages from your PDF
Convert your Images to PDF, you can apply rotation as well
You can now Merge your PDF's / images into a single PDF and re Order them while doing so
You can now set or remove passwords on PDF!
Convert Your PDF to Images
You can now Split your PDF into multiple PDF's
You can now Extract pages from your PDF, just select the pages you want to extract and Go!
You can now Number pages in your PDF, with any color that you like and in any language!!
Enable Printing in your PDF!
Extract XSD Schema from WSDL!
Convert XML To JSON via Badgerfish, Rabbitfish, or Rayfish convention!
Convert your JSON To XML with Badgerfish or plain convention
Indent your XML and JSON here!
Encode files/text to Base64!
Decode files/text from Base64!
AI ML at work with Pseudo random numbers
Share files with a friend, files are always encrypted.
Remove new lines from any string or SSL certificates
Test your regular expressions here
Test your XPATH expressions here
Build your XSD's with our graphical XSD builder. Or Convert XML to XSD.
Edit your XSD's with our graphical XSD Editor.
Create Invoices with our Invoice Generator
Draw shapes, diagrams, free hand and live collaboration
WebSockets Based: Draw shapes, diagrams, free hand and live collaboration